Help Bradley get a brother!
Help Bradley get a brother!
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go

Kara Swogger is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
Hi my name is Kara. I am the loving mother of an amazing little boy Bradley. The doctors and specialists say that my ovaries are failing! The only way for Bradley to get a sibling is through ivf treatment. I have always wanted to be a mommy and used to want 6 babies but now at age 30 specialists are saying it is nearly impossible without the use of a donor egg and ivf treatment. The good news is once I get ivf I am a normal pregnancy the doctors and specialists all assure me that my uterus is perfectly capable and willing to carry another baby but my ovaries are not putting out eggs. We have health insurance but it does not cover the cost of this procedure. Please help us bring another baby into this world and for Bradley to have a sibling!
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Kara Swogger is organizing this fundraiser.